Family Businesses

Family Businesses

'Guard the harmony within the family'

For a family business nothing is more important than long-term continuity and harmony. A good balance between family and business interests is essential. Our specialists are aware that emotions play an important role and? They are able and willing to help you find that all important balance. They are therefore often regarded as confidential counsellors of the entrepreneur and the family. We are in a position where we can observe emotions objectively and steer them in the right direction so that the power of the family business is used in the most effective way. Family businesses prove time and time again that by involvement of family/shareholders, long-term visions and entrepreneurship, they are the engine of the Dutch economy.

Focus on harmony and business continuity

BDO has been a familiar presence around family businesses for more than 75 years. Each year, together with the Erasmus University, we promote scientific research into relevant topics within family businesses. which is why we know exactly what issues are current and how we can resolve these and prevent problems. Our vision and experience is that family harmony is the bedrock of long-term business continuity. The BDO advisers will therefore initially focus on the relationships on your family. Of course, we are also able to give you high-quality (business) advice; always in balance with the family interests.

Family Business Model

You can find it in almost every family business: the wall with photographs portraying the history of the business. BDO has used this photo wall as an inspiration to develop a special family business model that will outline family businesses and their needs. The model centres on the most important stakeholders: the family, family-owners, management board and the business. They indisputably form the core of each family business and must remain in perfect balance. Surrounding this core are the most important areas in a family business. This model can help you apply the appropriate agenda for the family business, contributing to continuity and harmony.

Our services

Below is a selection of the services our specialists can provide:

  • family constitution
  • (emergency) succession/leadership
  • implementation of (family)values / HR policies
  • family governance
  • professionalisation of the family business
  • mediation in conflicts
  • ownership/financing of the family business
  • next-gen programmes
  • family business monitor (familiebedrijvenmonitor in Dutch)

Our extensive network of accountants, consultants and tax experts specialised in family businesses ensures that we can resolve any issues surrounding your family business from an integral approach.


If you would like to know what new perspectives BDO can offer your family business? please contact one of our specialists to arrange a meeting without any obligation.